National Archeology Museum,National Museum of Natural History and Science, Santos Rocha Municipal Museum, Science Museum of the University of Coimbra | September 18-19, 2022

Following his keynote speech in the IHC Summer School 2022 that took place at the University of Évora, Mark Thurner, coordinator of the LAGLOBAL International Research Network and international scientific advisor for the TRANSMAT research project, visited several Portuguese museums in scope of the research he is developing for his next book. On the 18th of September, Patrícia Batista led a visit to the National Museum of Archeology. On the afternoon of the 18th of September, Mark Thurner visited the National Museum of Natural History and Science. The guided tour of the various scientific and exhibition spaces of this museum was carried out by Catarina Teixeira da Silva. On September 19, 2022, Mark Thurner visited the Santos Rocha Municipal Museum and its visitable storage led by Ana Margarida Ferreira and Ana Paula Cardoso. During the afternoon, the TRANSMAT team met at the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra where the Director, Paulo Trincão, and Gilberto Pereira guided the visit to the various sections of the institution, namely to its recently opened «Curiosities Cabinet».