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TRANSMAT Project at the VII Foro Ibérico de Estudios Museológicos, Ciudad Real (Spain)

Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha and Museo Provincial de Ciudad Real | 19th and 20th October, 2023

On the 19th and 20th of October 2023, the VII Iberian Forum of Museological Studies was held in Ciudad Real (Spain), with themes related to Sustainability and Territory as its main focus. The event was organized jointly by the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha and the Universidad de Málaga, in collaboration with ICOM Portugal, ICOM Spain, the Direcção Geral do Património Cultural and the Institute of Art History of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Two research fellows from the TRANSMAT project, Maria Figueira and Liliana Caldeira, as well as members of the Santos Rocha Municipal Museum team, participated in this forum, with a talk given by Ana Margarida Ferreira. As part of the session “Las coleciones revisadas. Exposiciones de ayer a hoy”, results from the provenance research developed so far were presented, with several case studies related to the transnational ethnographic collections incorporated in the Portuguese National Archeology Museum and the Santos Rocha Municipal Museum. These talks sought to demonstrate the development and the potentialities of more democratic, transparent and inclusive museum practices and narratives around cultural assets kept, today, in institutions from European countries that were once colonizing powers.