University of Évora | March 9, 2023

On the 9th of March 2023, the students of the Contemporary History Curricular Unit (coordinated by Prof. Fátima Nunes) got in touch with the TRANSMAT project and the results of the research carried out by Elisabete Pereira, Liliana Caldeira, and Maria Figueira.
The ethnographic objects presented, belonging to the project’s partner museums, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia and Museu Municipal Santos Rocha, were the subject of reflection during a 120 minutes lesson – How should we exhibit objects acquired in a colonial context? How to communicate the context of acquisition and the course of the objects? What do different audiences want to know? Their significance? Who brought them to the museum? Why? How were they presented in the museum? These and other topics filled with enthusiasm the students from the University of Évora who shared with us their opinions about what an ethnographic exhibition should contain in the future.