Joana d’Oliva Monteiro
Integrated Member of the Art History Institute of the NOVA University of Lisbon/Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) – Investigation group on Museum Studies (MuSt). She has a Bachelor degree in Art History and Heritage by the Faculty of Letters of the Lisbon University (2006) and a Master degree in Museology (2010) by the NOVA FCSH. Her master thesis “Gallery of Temporary Exhibitions of the Alcobaça Monastery – reflections and contributions towards the exhibiting speech” was distinguished with the Best Study on Museology Award by the Portuguese Association of Museology (APOM). She holds a PhD in Art History (Museology and Artistic Heritage) by the same Faculty entitled “An operational model for the evaluation of art exhibitions. A case study: the National Museum of Ancient Art”, which was funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (2017). She has carried out individual research in Art History, Museum History, Museology and Collecting, participated in projects, organized scientific events and published papers in national and international context. Since 2006, she has been developing collaborative work with a number of public and private cultural institutions.

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