National Museum of Ethnology | June 22 and 23, 2023

The 1st International Meeting of the TRANSMAT-IN2PAST Project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, will take place on June 22 and 23, 2023. The meeting will be attended by researchers, consultants, and grant holders of the TRANSMAT project, who will share and discuss the results of this research project involving the National Archaeological Museum and Santos Rocha Municipal Museum partner institutions.
This meeting, which will take place at the National Museum of Ethnology in Lisbon, will begin with a presentation by keynote speaker Nélia Dias (ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon) and will continue with the presence of several invited researchers. We will have representatives from Portuguese scientific institutions such as the Geographical Society of Lisbon, the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra, the Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Porto, the National Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Lisbon and the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. Several national and foreign academics will also be present, such as Ana Rita Amaral (Utrecht University), Ariadana Ruiz (Univ. Málaga), Carlos Major (Provincial Museum of Namibe, Angola), Catarina Madruga (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin) and Joana Passos (Univ. Minho).
The meeting will include a round table moderated by Maria de Fátima Nunes (IHC-CEHFCi-UÉ) who invites David Felismino (Museums of Lisbon/ICOM), Ricardo Roque (ICS-ULisboa), Marta Lourenço (MUHNAC-ULisboa), Christiana Martins (Expresso Newspaper) and Carlos Major (Provincial Museum of Namibe, Angola) to reflect on the future of non-European museum collections. Maarten Couttenier (Africa Museum, Belgium) will deliver the keynote speech on this second day.
The 1st International Meeting TRANSMAT-IN2PAST will include a guided visit to the reserves of the National Museum of Ethnology.
See Program
See Book of Abstracts
Non-students: 20 euros
Students: 5 euros
The registration includes meeting documentation and certificate of participation.
Make your registration through the following address: