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1st International TRANSMAT-IN2PAST Meeting: Documenting Non-European Collections

National Museum of Ethnology | June 22 and 23, 2023

On June 22 and 23, the TRANSMAT – IN2PAST International Meeting “Documenting Non-European Collections” took place at the National Museum of Ethnology. Directors of several museums and national institutions (National Museum of Natural History and Science, Santos Rocha Municipal Museum, National Museum of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences, Geographical Society, Natural History Museum of the University of Porto, etc.), as well as researchers and museum professionals, discussed and reflected on the treatment of non-European collections from formerly colonized territories, constituted in historically sensitive contexts of domination and power imbalance.

The diverse ways to manage, study and safeguard this heritage, with more inclusive and decolonized approaches, were some of the themes in discussion. Seeking more plural and diversified perspectives on these collections, the meeting featured examples of ongoing projects and policies adopted by European museums (Museum für Naturkunde – Berlin or Africa Museum – Belgium), and included contributions from professionals from the Global South, such as Loyiso Maqwabe Gumede, curator of the South African Luthuli Museum, as well as the participation of media professionals, such as Christiana Martins from the Expresso newspaper.

The event was reported in several Portuguese newspapers, from Expresso and Público to the Diário das Beiras.

Videos of the meeting were made available here by the National Museum of Ethnology.