Maria Figueira
Currently attends a Master degree in Anthropology, specialization in Visual Cultures, at the NOVA University of Lisbon. She has a degree in Anthropology from the University of Coimbra (2017). In the 2016/17 academic year she received the Academic Merit Award from the University of Coimbra (3% Best Students Award). She participated in the Erasmus+ Mobility Program at Københavns Universitet (Denmark) and joined the Anthropology Students Nucleus of the University of Coimbra (NEA-AAC) in 2015-2016. She has also collaborated in the making of the exhibition “Hortas de Lisboa. From the Middle Ages to the 21st Century” at the Lisbon Museum (2019-2020). She is now an FCT research fellow from the project “TRANSMAT- Transnational Materialities (1850-1930): reconstituting collections and connecting stories” (PTDC/FER-HFC/2793/2020).

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