Alexandra Marques
She has a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Évora (2019), a Master’s degree in History of Health Sciences from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon (2010) and a degree in History – Educational Branch from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon (2002).
Her areas of interest focus on History, History of Science, History of Scientific Institutions and Construction of Scientific Memory (19th and 20th centuries). She was a fellow at the IHC Pólo at the University of Évora (2016-2018) and a research fellow for the projects “Political decision, collective needs, and professional affirmation: the Hospital de Todos os Santos in perspective” (CIDEHUS – University of Évora) and “Commemorations of the Centenary of the University of Lisbon” (ULis) (2010-2014); She co-organized the History of Health and Medicine Seminar Cycles at the IHC-NOVA FCSH (2019-2020).
She is an associate researcher at the IHC – History of Science, Technology and Environment Group | NOVA FCSH, Lisbon / University of Évora.